I am Jack's Pics

A picture says a thousand words, but does it ever tell the entire story?

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Jilly, Me, Heather, Jenny

"Loven at the Oven"

Jill, Me, Jenny

Me and Jilly!

Me and Jenny...lemonheads!

Berma, Melissa, and Taylor

Friday, March 11, 2005

Me, Tara, Brittany, Brandon, Natalie, Bryana, Kevin, Hunter

Friday, March 04, 2005

Salt Lake Wedding Cake

The Salt Lake Temple

Me and Brigham!

Ab and Mr.BYU himself!

Me and Ab

The Temple plus Our Silhouettes

Statue of Joseph Smith

Ab and the First Vision

Me interrupting 'The First Vision'

Ab and President Hinckley

The Organ

Conference Center Blur

Super Sea Gull!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A C.L.A.S. act

The whole she-bang.

Me on the balance beam.

Brett and Paul running into eachother on the balance beam.

Tired, tangled me.

Brett on the balance beam.

Me on the ladder.

Me transferring from one apparatus to another.

Brett and I hanging out.

Levi on the rope ladder.

Everyone, everywhere.

Me on the platform.

Sarah and Brett...post roping.

Brett on the platform.

Brett, Paul, and Sarah on the balance beam.